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How long does auto transport take?We ask for a minimum of 4-5 days to source a reliable carrier. Unpopular/unusual trucking routes to and from remote locations may take longer to find a suitable carrier. Typically, coast to coast car shipping takes 8-10 days from pickup i.e. CA to NY and north to south routes take 4-6 days i.e. NY to FL. When we schedule a carrier they will give us a more accurate estimate of their transit time.
How far in advance do I need to book my auto transport?Carrier's typically book very close to the date the vehicle is available for pickup. They usually don't book more than 1 week in advance of your ready date. There are occasions when carriers with multiple trucks will commit to a booking several weeks in advance , but this is not the norm. Despite what people will tell you, you don't need to book your broker more than a couple of weeks before the date you are ready to ship.
Is my vehicle insured?On pick up the driver will do a Bill of Lading - a vehicle inspection report. It needs to be signed by the driver and the pick up contact. On delivery any damage must be noted on delivery and signed by the driver and the delivery contact. Any potential damage noted after the driver has left will not be attended to. Your vehicle will be covered for any damage caused directly by the drivers negligence. You will have single incident coverage during the transport. This means that if the carrier accidentally damages your vehicle alone you will be covered for the damage. If the truck was in a huge accident and every vehicle was destroyed then each vehicle will get an equal share of the carriers cargo insurance. If the carrier had $100,000 of cargo and 10 vehicles were destroyed then each vehicle would be covered for $10,000 only. (I have never lost a truck in the 10 years we have been doing this!!) Carriers are not liable for any damage caused by road debris or weather. If the windscreen gets damaged due to a stone begin thrown up from a passing vehicle then the carrier is not responsible. We advise all our clients to make sure the vehicle is clean for the inspection and where possible to take pictures of the vehicle during the inspection with the driver. If the vehicle is delivered in poor light or is too dirty to inspect properly then the delviery contact must make a note of the conditions so they can inspect in the daylight or after a quick hose down
Should I use open or enclosed auto transport ?Open carriers are cheaper and in greater supply but your vehicle will be exposed to the elements during the trip. Enclosed carriers are in shorter supply and will cost, on average, $400-$500 more than a regular open carrier. Your vehicle is inside a trailer and protected from the weather and any potential road debris. Enclosed carriers carry more cargo insurance and are better equipped to deal with high end and low clearance vehicles.
Who do I contact for updates after pickup?The carrier is responsible for all scheduling. You will be provided with the driver's dispatchers number and most times with the driver's cell phone. If you have any problems contacting the carrier directly, we will be happy to assist you with any updates during your car shipping.
How and when do I pay for my vehicle shipment ?Once your vehicle has been loaded onto the carrier, we will capture our fee on any credit or debit card you place on file with us. The balance is then due the carrier directly in cash or a cashier's check on delivery of the vehicle. If you need an alternate form of payment to this plan, please call Cat in accounting 786-859-3057 to discuss other options.
What if my vehicle is damaged during the car shipping process?The carrier will complete a vehicle inspection report on pick up and delivery. Any discrepancies in the condition of your vehicle should be noted on the Bill of Lading on delivery. Standard industry procedure is to notify the carriers office immediately. Present the carrier with at least two estimates for repair and the carrier will determine if they will pay out of pocket for the damage or if you should file a claim with the carrier's insurance company. As your broker we are happy to facilitate this process if necessary.
Can I transport my personal items in the vehicle?Let us know in advance if you plan to transport any personal items in the vehicle. Usually, if it is less than 100 lbs in the trunk where it isn't visible it isn't a problem , but we need to tell the driver first. If you plan on more than that the driver will charge a fee of $100 - $250 and the items can not be in the front seat at all and must be below window level. (note: It is harder to find a driver to transport personal items because of weight restrictions, risk of fines, and they are not covered by their insurance to carry these items. ) It is at your own risk if you plan to transport your personal items in your vehicle.
How are prices determined?The carriers determine the rates in the transport industry. As a broker, we offer a bid out to the carriers to transport your vehicle. If we offer too little to a carrier, they will not accept our vehicle. Carriers choose the vehicles that pay the best and there is no shortage of vehicles to choose from. Capitol Auto Transport only gets paid after your vehicle is picked up. We have nothing to gain by giving you an unrealistic cheap price just to earn your business.
Who needs to meet the driver at pickup and delivery?Any person over 18 years of age that you assign can meet the driver at pick up or delivery. The carrier may have to be met at the nearest large parking area, so please consider that when assigning someone else to meet the driver on your behalf. Please make sure it is someone you trust as they will have to sign the Bill of Lading ( Vehicle Inspection Report).
Why shouldn't I go with the cheapest auto transport quote?This industry is unregulated and usually the best prices are given by the worst companies. The cheap quote is quickly followed by a request for your credit card and possibly for you to sign a contract which locks you into 30 days with that broker and guarantees them their fee for just posting you on the national dispatch board. Carriers choose the vehicles offering the most money and your vehicle will sit there until the money being offered to transport it is raised. The broker already got paid and you now have a problem!
What is door to door car shipping service?Door to door service means as long as the truck can fit safely to the addresses provided for pickup and delivery, the driver can deliver there. The driver makes the final decision on this. If he can't go right to your door, he will arrange with the contact to meet at the nearest large parking lot, like a Walmart or shopping center.
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